Thursday, December 18, 2008
9 Years of Pure Bliss
9 years ago this evening, a small town church was aglow with candles and white Christmas lights...and Brandon and I promised each other forever.
As many of you know, Brandon and I are highschool sweethearts. Growing up in a small town, everyone knows everyone, and Brandon and I were actually "boyfriend and girlfriend" in the first grade. After that, we drifted together and apart throughout gradeschool, and then, in 8th grade, I somehow ended up in an advanced math class. Brandon was also in this math class (for obvious reasons...he could ace a test in his sleep). How I ended up in this particular class is somewhat of a mystery to me (I think it had something to do with a standardized test I took), but regardless, I was there. And I was CLUELESS.
Brandon and I ended up in the same group in math class. He pushed, pulled, dragged, nudged, coached, and tutored me all through the year. He helped me with my math...and I helped him win the heart of one of my best girlfriends. It was a good deal for both of us. We became good friends. Him lending me his brain, and me lending him my thoughts on how to best woo a woman. :)
Highschool began and we were once again in many of the same classes. He continued to pull me through math class (Algebra 2 being an even bigger nightmare for me than Algebra 1), and our friendship continued to bloom. His love affair with my best girlfriend ended. We were involved in many of the same extra-curricular activities...choir, band, National Honor Society...and we hung with the same group of friends.
Halfway through our junior year of highschool, we realized that perhaps there was more than friendship between us. We became a couple...we attended prom together both our junior and senior years, and spent more and more time together. We were raised in homes that were very different...but it seemed that our differences helped us grow closer...we learned from each other and became best friends.
We decided to attend different colleges. Brandon attended K-State in Manhattan, KS, and I attended William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. We agreed that we weren't going to be tied down to each other...and that if either of us decided to pursue other relationships, that would be okay. We saw each other fairly regularly throughout this year of school, and by the end of the year, both realized that maybe this was more than a highschool romance.
Our junior year of college, I had the opportunity to study overseas in Grantham, England, at Harlaxton College. Brandon came to visit me for my birthday. We had an amazing time together, exploring London and taking in what England had to offer. It was during this visit that Brandon proposed to me. I accepted.
Then began a very LONG engagement. We both needed to finish school....and since that was a ways off for both of us, we weren't quick to set a wedding date. I graduated in May of 1999...and found out on my graduation day that my mother was dying of cancer. She passed away the next month. Brandon was right there with me through it all, not always knowing what to say, but always being very willing to listen. As he offered me his support throughout that time, I realized that I didn't want to wait much longer to be married. The fragility of life had been impressed upon me and I knew that it was time. We decided to get married 6 months later...on December 18, 1999.
Brandon graduated from K-State just a few days before our wedding. He moved up to Kansas City and accepted a job at Sprint. I worked as a Registered Nurse at KU Medical Center. We were together...and very happy.
When I reflect on what life has brought our way over the last nine years, I am simply amazed, particularly with the happenings of this year. Statistically speaking, I believe something like 80% of marriages end in divorce after the loss of a child. I am grateful to say that has never, throughout this whole ordeal, been a consideration for us. We face difficulties together. We laugh together. We cry together. We get angry together. We watch our children grow or leave this earth...together.
What I love most about my husband is the way that he knows me better than anyone else. As a person who is constantly worried about how others perceive me, Brandon is my "safe haven" (this is code for that he gets to deal with a lot of my crap). In turn, I believe that he feels safe sharing his innermost thoughts and dreams with me. He knows me, inside and out, and yet, loves me all the same. My needs come before his own...and vice versa. We work together fairly seamlessly. We are truly best friends.
At our wedding, Pastor Jeff Waugh reflected on Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12. He highlighted the verse that states that "a cord of three strands is not quickly broken". We are grateful that Christ has been the third presence in our marriage...the strand that has been responsible for keeping us together as we've met life's challenges.
I look at our wedding pictures and it makes me grin to realize how innocent we were on that day. I think to myself "if only you knew what you were getting into!". But I am happy to report that even if I had known the challenges life would bring our way, I would have chosen the same helpmate to face them with.
Happy Anniversary, Brandon James. Here's to 900 more.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Remembering Our Caden
Last week, I was talking with our good friend and sonogram angel Jan, who told us that Caden's story is being shared at the Liberty Women's Clinic...young women who are conflicted about their pregnancies are learning about our son...he is serving as an example of how precious life is...whether lived inside or outside the womb.
We have also received a couple of very special ornaments for Caden. A teddy bear from Paula, and an angel with Caden's name on it from Grandpa and Grandma Carlson, who buy our children ornaments every year. Another colleague of mine asked if we had an ornament for Caden and said that if we didn't, she wanted to buy us one.
A beautiful evergreen wreath arrived on our doorstep last week from our friends the Hoffmanns. Our friends' words on the card that came with it said "May this Christmas bring you a peace that passes all understanding". The tears rolled down my face as I hung the wreath on our front door. With its big red bow and fragrant needles, it is a symbol of the beauty of Christmas.
Today the Alexandra's House newsletter came to us in the mail. In it are stories of several babies who left this earth too soon, and in the midst of the newsletter was Caden's story. Seeing his perfect and beautiful face in print was overwhelming. We are blessed to share his story with others.
As we seek for the peace that passes all understanding, we know that our peace comes, in no small part, through the prayers of others. Please know that each and every gesture you make to remember our youngest son touches us in the deepest part of our hearts. The greatest gift of all is knowing that his life, however brief, had a purpose...and that he touched people with his strength, innocence, and heavenly presence.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Everyday Life
The kids are doing well. Kylee approached me with grave concern today, asking why she had "frinkles" around her eyes. Was she asking about wrinkles? Freckles? I replied that we all had a little bit different skin around our eyes. She looked at me and said "But MOM...I have FRINKLES around my eyes!!!!" Let me say that this grave diagnosis was only made more serious by the fact that Kylee had dressed herself...and was wearing a too short purple skirt with a pajama top...that was on backwards.
I was lost, and decided to employ the tried and true reply of "That's how God made you."
She let me off the hook.
Later in the day, she approached me and asked "What would you like today?" She stood in front of me with her pencil and notepad poised to write. I obligingly ordered a hot fudge sundae. She replied that "they" didn't have hot fudge sundaes today. I asked "What is your special today?" She responded "Well, my puppy is freaking out and is all wiggly and just crazy, so...." and that was that. I looked over and Buster was sleeping quietly next to the couch.
How appropriate that today's special at Casa de la Carlson includes a dose of crazy. Once again, I am amazed at how perceptive our daughter is. :) At Kylee's suggestion, I ended up ordering some blankets and a pink teddy bear. It cost me "three thousand hundred" dollars.
Connor continues to amaze us with the speed at which he is learning and growing. Yesterday, he was proud to show us his "Way To Go!" sticker that he had received for being the first in his class to write 10 words with the letters of the day in them. Sure enough, there were ten words, written in his handwriting. What a boy! He is also reading everything in sight. It is great to hear him sound out letters and put words together. We are pretty proud.
Our latest struggle with Connor is trying to get him to hold onto his gloves and hat (this tells you what a good kid our son is that this is one of our "issues"). After losing his hat once, I gave him a (probably too) stern lecture about putting his winter items directly into his backpack so that he didn't lose them. I threatened him by saying that he was going to be REALLY cold when he didn't have a hat or gloves out at recess (not one of my proudest mothering moments...but I think he knew I wouldn't really send him to school least not on a really cold day). ;)
Today, when he came home from school, we were, of course, missing a glove. I asked him repeatedly where it might be. We looked, and looked. I stomped and glared and sighed excessively. He was upset about me being upset, but kept looking.
I found the glove on the floor of our truck. I once more (not-so-gently) asked him to PLEASE put his gloves and hat in his backpack AS SOON as he takes them off.
About five minutes later, he came up to me and said "Thanks for finding my glove, Mom."
Oh, geez. I felt about 2 inches tall and my heart melted. "You're welcome, Buddy."
We hugged. I treasure those moments because hugs aren't given as freely by my kindergartener as they once were.
We are now waiting for Brandon to get home so we can eat dinner together. The commute home has taken him an hour and a half due to the bad weather. In the meantime, the kids are playing together, fighting only occasionally, and Buster has peed on the floor. In the process of cleaning up the mess, I think I got dog pee on the leg of my pants.
Life is so glamorous here I can hardly stand it. And I'll take it...every minute of it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
5 Months
I suppose it might be a bit cliche' to say that we can't believe how quickly the time has gone. But I'm going to say it anyway. It has been five months since I felt our baby move inside me. Five months since I held him, smelled him, kissed him, and looked at him, trying to memorize every tiny detail of his face and body. Five months since I saw all three of our children together.
8 months has passed since we were diagnosed and told our baby would not live. And now, we prepare to face our first holiday season without our fifth member.
Thanksgiving went well. We travelled to Lindsborg and spent time with Brandon's family. It was a short trip, but a good one. The day after Thanksgiving, however, was really hard. The kids and I decorated the house for Christmas, which is always a sentimental time for me. Many of the decorations we put out belonged to either my Mom or my Grandma, who both LOVED Christmas. So, I think of them as I put things out...happy for the memories, but saddened because they are not here with us. The hardest part of decorating for me, though, was realizing that last January, as I put the decorations away, I did so thinking "Next year, we'll have a new baby in the house when I put these out!". Realizing that this wasn't so was not unlike being punched in the gut. I was supposed to have a little one with me. The Christmas music was supposed to be interrupted by a little one cooing or fussing. I was going to get to shop for three kids this year. Oh....
As usual, it was Connor and Kylee to the rescue. They were SO excited to put the decorations all over the house, and watching them sift through boxes while wearing their pjs...all of us warm and cozy together...made it possible for me to find joy in the midst of a painful day. We made a special Christmas ornament for Caden and hung it on the tree. They were both so excited to incorporate our baby into the preparations.
We have been told that many families who have dealt with infant loss find something symbolic that reminds them of their little one..common ones being angels, butterflies, or rainbows. We have found that our symbol for Caden is a teddy bear. I have always loved teddy bears, and it seems that they remind us of our special boy more often than anything else. I think that Santa will be bringing Connor and Kylee a little teddy bear in memory of Caden this year. It is nice to have some way to bring him into our Christmas tradition...because he is, of course, always in our hearts.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
10 Thoughts
I came across this list on another blog this last week, and wanted to share it with all of you. I find it very poignant.
When speaking with my students about our experience, many of them have asked me..."What do I do or say when caring for someone who is dealing with loss?" I think this hits the nail on the head.
The timing of this is interesting to we approach the holidays, I think it is important to remember that they are not necessarily all joyful for many families. While it is a wonderful time of year, it is also a time that reminds us in a very real way that those that we have said goodbye to will not be with us around the Thanksgiving table or opening presents with us on Christmas morning. Be it death, divorce, illness, job loss, financial hardship...whatever...the holidays can be a lonely and painful time. I pray for those families who are hurting this year and invite you to pray along with me.
At any rate, here is the list. I hope it will be especially helpful to those of you who are comforting someone who is hurting this holiday season and in the months and years to come. Maybe, if you are the one who is hurting, it will help to put words to some of your emotions.
Thank you, once again, to all those who have comforted us in so many, many ways:
1. BE THERE FOR ME. If you are my friend, reach out, talk to me, hold my hand, hug me. Know that even though we may say we are all right, we will never be all right again.
2. WE ARE DIFFERENT. Understand that what has happened will change us forever and if you are my friend, you will accept me for what I have become, for who I am now, a person with different goals and different priorities. What was once important to me may no longer have any meaning.
3. BE A GOOD LISTENER. We want above all else to talk about our loved one. To us, they will always be alive in our hearts, and we don't want others to forget them either. Don't be afraid to mention their names in our conversations. They were real people at one time, even though they are no longer with us. They had hopes and dreams we'd still like to share with others. Please don't pretend they never existed.
4. NO ONE ELSE KNOWS HOW I FEEL. We all grieve differently. Please don't tell me you know how I feel. You don't. Rather than asking me, "How are you feeling?" ask me "What are you feeling?" I can probably give you a more honest answer.
5. I MAY GRIEVE FOR A VERY LONG TIME. There is no set time limit to my grief. It may take me two years; it may take me five years. I have to do what is comfortable for me. Be patient. I will do the best I can in whatever amount of time it takes.
6. KEEP IN TOUCH. Call me once in a while. I promise to do the same. Invite me to lunch or to a movie. I will eventually go, because I will eventually feel better. Don't give up on me and don't forget me. I am trying to do the best I can right now.
7. I MAY CRY AT TIMES IN FRONT OF YOU. Please don't be embarrassed, and I won't be either. Besides being a natural emotion, crying is also a cleansing emotion. By crying I can relieve a lot of anger, frustration, guilt and stress. And best of all, I feel much better after a good cry.
8. I PUT A MASK ON FOR THE PUBLIC. Don't assume just because I am functioning during the day that I am "over it." I will never get "over it." I try to function normally because I have no other choice. You should see me when the day is over, and I am in the privacy of my own home and free to let my emotions out. My day mask comes off and I am just a mother, aching for her child.
9. SOME DAYS MAY BE OVERWHELMING. The slightest thing can trigger a bad time. It can be a song, a place I go, a holiday, a wedding or even smells or sounds. If I break down and start crying or seem to be in another world, it is because I am thinking of my loved one and longing for what I will never have again. I may need to try different things before I find what will be right for me in my new life. Encourage me to reach for the stars.
10. LET ME DO WHATEVER MAKES ME HAPPY. We will never forget our loved one. The pain never leaves. It just softens a little with time. We eventually function again, feel hope again, find joy in our lives. It is a long road that we travel, but with the help of friends and relatives who understand a little of how we feel and what we are going through, perhaps that road will lead to new paths to enrich our lives in new ways we never dreamed were possible.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Trick or Treat, Smell our Feet...:)






Kylee actually just painted hers, and then enjoyed making her own design with the carving tool (which resembled more of just a hole in the pumpkin rather than an actual jack-o-lantern face). However, over time, we have learned the hard way that it is certainly NOT in our best interest to advise our daughter on her artistic creations (particularly when she is holding a carving tool).
Connor and I were grocery shopping on Halloween. A man came on the loudspeaker and announced "Happy Halloween! Today all our pumpkins are FREE!". The pumpkins were in a big pile outside the front door. We already had our pumpkins for the kids. But...the word free invokes some kind of strange adrenaline rush in me. I looked at Connor, said "We've got to hurry!", and made a mad dash for the front of the store (I was somewhat impaired in my mad dash by my cart that was heaped with groceries). We abandoned the cart in the entryway of the store and ran outside. Connor picked his pumpkin (with me standing there chanting "Hurry, Hurry!"...I was afraid an innocent stocker was going to try to put our abandoned groceries away), and I picked out one for Kylee. Just what our cart needed...two huge pumpkins. But they were FREE! We paid for our groceries and went out to the car. I decided in that moment that I wanted to pick up one more pumpkin...for Caden. I debated, and then went and grabbed one more (after all, they were FREE!)...telling myself that really, decorations look better in odd numbers rather than even numbers. Later, I realized that it was okay to pick out a pumpkin for Caden...for no other reason than I just wanted to.
Now, our free pumpkins grace our porch. All three of them.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
In anticipation of the holidays, I have been thinking a lot about Caden...and am wondering how this season will be for our family. Last year at this time, we were just finding out that we were expecting another little one, and spent the holiday season in anticipation of having three kids to celebrate the holidays with in 2008. Little did we know, we were beginning a different kind of journey with our third child.
I have been struggling a bit lately with handing situations over to God...and realizing that just because you go through something really trying and difficult in life, it doesn't mean that you are exempt from pain from that point forward (the last two years of our lives have made that much evident). We are both waiting to find some sense of tangible purpose in Caden's death...and some days are easier than others.
One morning a couple weeks ago, I was driving home from dropping Kylee off at preschool. I was listening to the local Christian radio station, and a Pastor was giving a mini-sermon on the air. Usually, I change the station (I do not share my husband's passion for talk radio) when this happens, but on this particular morning, I listened. The sermon was about having gratitude in any situation. That had my name all over it. I needed to listen.
The Pastor concluded his lesson by telling the story of God's promise to Abraham...that he would be blessed with more descendants than he could count. Of course, you may know that what makes this story most interesting is the fact that Sarah, Abraham's wife, was well past child-bearing age when God revealed this plan. The Pastor went on to say that God fulfilled His promise to Abraham, through the birth of a son and then many other descendants, but Abraham didn't live long enough to see the entire promise fulfilled (descendants that numbered more than the stars in the sky).
God always fulfills the promise.
But He may not choose to do that in my lifetime.
If He doesn't show me, His will is still perfect.
This day gets even more interesting, because I heard the story of Abraham and Sarah two more times on THIS SAME DAY through different venues.
I miss our baby terribly. Will we hang a fifth stocking on our fireplace this year in memory of a boy that is not with us? Buy a special ornament for Caden? Cry on Christmas morning because he isn't here with us? I don't know.
But, this I do know...God will be there to hold us as we feel our pain or sadness. I suppose that's all that matters. Hopefully there will be joy for us as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. I hope that this holiday and birth celebration will begin a new phase of life and rememberance for us. In a season of hope, I will be making a conscious effort to acknowledge that God is with us, fulfilling his promises to us....and whether our Caden is with us or not, he is the fulfillment of a very special promise to us, as every child is.
For that, I am thankful.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fall Festivities
Here are some pictures:

Each child got to make their own bucket to carry goodies from the party in.

Master of the balloon walk! :)

Kylee and her lead teacher, Ms. Pam.

A special Halloween hat.
Best Buds Abby and Kylee.
Two more special projects: A spider hat and a spider web.
And now, switching gears to Alexander Doniphan...

Connor and his friend, Adam (aka, the Incredible Hulk).
The kids got to play "keep the spiders on the web".
After his party, Connor and I went out into the hallway where some of the class work is on display. He read me one of the amazing stories that he has written. This one was specifically about using adjectives (you can see "BIGST" written on the cover). He read me the whole story and was quite proud of his work. I was quite proud, too. :)
Monday, November 03, 2008
The Great Wolf Lodge


They also had a "Cub's Club" where the kids could do crafts. Kylee painted a little piggy bank (sparkly pink, of course!), and Connor painted two magnets (a pirate and a race car):
The kids also got to pick out and stuff an animal (kind of like the Great Wolf version of Build-A-Bear). Kylee picked a panda and Connor picked out a yellow puppy.
Perhaps the highlight of the trip was our room. It had sleeping quarters for Mom and Dad, and then the kids got to sleep in a "tent" that was all their own, complete with bunk beds and a TV. Connor was in heaven. He claimed the top bunk:
Our evenings were spent participating in MagiQuest...a giant scavenger hunt that takes you all over the lodge on various "quests". The kids both had magic wands that make things come to life in the hallways. You can see Connor using his wand to make the fire in the lantern turn on. This is also a glimpse of Kylee's "I'm a total rock star" pose. It's one of her favorites lately. :)
We came home tired and reeking of chlorine. It was great!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Four Months



Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Different Kind of Healing...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Our Flower Girl



Monday, October 13, 2008
Fall Fun


I bet the goats LOVE when the preschool kids come through....and God bless this poor kitten:


Would it be too cheezy to say that this is Kylee enjoying the "fruits" of her labor?
We look forward to better days and are glad that fall is here. Enjoy your week!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Ralph Adair Haneke
Just wanted to take a few minutes this evening to give you an update on my Grandpa. As you may recall, I had posted about him back in January when he suffered two strokes. It has been a very long 8 months for our family as we have sought the best possible treatment for him, both in Kansas City and in Great Bend.
My Uncle Craig made the decision about a week ago to move Grandpa to a Hospice Center in Salina, KS ( The place is beautiful and the care that Grandpa has received there has been nothing short of incredible. Craig moved Grandpa there with the intention of stopping his tube feedings, believing that continuing them was a violation of Grandpa's living will (he was receiving the feedings 16 hours a day as a sole source of nourishment due to being unable to swallow following the stroke). This was a decision that could be considered highly controversial by some, but Grandpa had always been very clear about NOT wanting to live the kind of life he was living following the stroke. We had hoped that therapy might help him rehabilitate, but results from therapy weren't what we had prayed for. Given all this, Craig approached us about discontinuing Grandpa's tube feedings at the end of October.
I was torn about discontinuing the feedings...knowing that Grandpa wouldn't have wanted them, yet at the same time, not wanting to play God. God heard our prayers...and while the answer was not easy to take, it is an answer we are grateful for. Over the weekend, while still receiving his tube feedings, Grandpa started having some difficulties breathing. On Monday, Grandpa slowly slipped into an unconscious state and has become less and less responsive. We got a call yesterday, and Sarah, Jordan, and I were told to come right away...Grandpa was fighting to breathe and his nurses didn't believe he had much time left. We drove to Salina last evening and spent the night at Grandpa's bedside. We spent the morning there and left in the early afternoon after taking some precious moments to tell our amazing Grandpa "goodbye". It hurts to see him go, but we know he is ready to shed his current body and be restored in heaven.
Grandpa is being medicated and kept comfortable. It looks like he wanted to do things on his own terms. Pretty typical of this strong man. Doctors predict that today was his last day on earth, but as a former oncology nurse, I know how hard it is to guess how much time someone has left on this planet. We shall see. I am back home, checking in frequently via phone.
As I laid beside Grandpa in bed today, I realized that by being with him in that moment, I was incredibly close to heaven...specifically close to my Mom, and, of course, Caden. Grandpa is going to be seeing them shortly. I asked him to greet my mother and son for me when he arrives at the gates. I have a feeling they are already calling to him, appearing above him, preparing to welcome him Home.
We will keep you posted.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Three Months
Three months ago today, we met and told our precious Caden goodbye. I was reflecting a couple days ago about how we knew about Caden's condition for three months before our delivery, and now, that same amount of time has elapsed since he was born. That is crazy to me. It has been six months since all of this began. Wow.
This month has held its own challenges and heartache. The beautiful garden in our backyard was finished. The dedication was held, despite tornado activity and torrential downpour. Our dear friend, Jan Witzke, walked in the first annual Liberty Women's Clinic "Strides for Life" walk in memory of Caden. She carried his picture with her while she walked. We all signed her t-shirt. Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking with a group of senior nursing majors at William Jewell as part of the OB class' perinatal loss lecture. The Holy Spirit was right there with me. Wanda, a colleague of mine who has also experienced the loss of her son, sat beside me and encouraged me as we both shared together. The students were receptive, interested, and genuinely compassionate. It was exhausting and wonderful.
I am finding that it is easier to talk about Caden. I am also finding that, despite the fact that he is not here with us, my love for him is actually growing with each passing day. Isn't that amazing? I am beginning to let go of the hurt, anger, and uncertainty that came with not knowing how things would end, and now that those questions are answered, I am now able to instead focus, little by little, on what an amazing little boy he was. Doing so makes me love him more and more. Don't get me wrong, I miss him more and more, too...his place in my heart grows deeper and deeper with time.
I often wonder what he's doing up there. Is my Mom holding him? Is he playing with other children? How does he look? Is he watching over us? I know that he is happy and fulfilled. And for today, that is good enough for me.
We love you, precious boy!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Kylee J Turns Four!
Kylee was emphatic about having her birthday at home. She had a Tinkerbell party with pizza. She received a much anticipated "swimming baby" from Mom and Dad and is also the proud owner of a Barbie house. I have to admit that as Brandon assembled the Barbie house, I realized that Barbie lives in a home that has more upgrades than ours. She also, might I add, has a front-loading washer and dryer, the likes of which I may never own. Hee hee...:)




Best wishes for many, many more, Miss J!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"There's More of Us, Mommy!"
Connor and Kylee looked at me and waited for an answer. I think the saleslady sensed there was more to the story. I wasn't sure what to say. What I wanted to say was "Yes! We have more children. You see, on March 30th, we were told that...." but I didn't think it was the time or place to get into all of that. So I simply shook my head and said "No. Just the two of them."
Connor looked at me, and almost immediately said "Mommy! There's more of us! Not just two! We have Caden! Our little brother!"
I then revised my answer...."Yes, we have one more son, but he's not here with us. We have one in heaven and two here." The saleslady said something like "Oh, that's too bad."
I looked at Connor and said, "You're right, Buddy. There are more of you."
And there always will be.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Rough Patch
I am writing tonight to ask for your prayers. It has been a rough week for me. I think the garden dedication, while providing a great deal of closure for me, also dug up a fair amount of grief and that fresh sort of way that it hit me right after Caden was born.
I struggle because, while I do believe with all of my heart and soul that God is with me, I feel as if He is just standing there, watching me. Not intervening. Not even comforting, necessarily. I have a strong sense that He is right beside me...however, I wish He would reach out, hold me, and show me some true joy.
Selfishly, I cannot help but reflect on the incredible and painful sacrifice He asked us to make. We were denied any time with our son after making a decision (to continue the pregnancy despite a terminal diagnosis) that we believed to be within God's will for us. It is a tough pill to swallow. I want a reward. And I, in a very human form and fashion, desire it NOW. After all, God has MY baby up there with Him.
We have been told by many who have also lost children that incredible things will happen in our lives as a result of this experience. Many of them also report having visions of their children in heaven or seeing signs here on Earth that lead them to believe that their child is happy and well. Today, I hunger for this sort of affirmation. Just like any parent, I wonder what my son is doing up there. I want to know that God sees the sacrifice we've made and that He's going to make it right for us.
I am so grateful to know that my son is sitting at the Father's feet. But, has God forgotten about those of us who are grieving here on earth? Caden's mother and father? His brother and sister?
The evil one would have me believe that I am forgotten. However, I know that I am not, but I seek His comfort and reassurance desperately. I want him to show me the rainbow behind the clouds. In a tangible, undeniable way.
I see the parallels to my own parenting. I can just hear God saying to me what I might say to Connor or Kylee..."When you choose a better attitude, I will help you." Folks...right now, I don't know if I have a better attitude in me. My tank is pretty empty.
After six months of extreme unrest, my soul longs for peace and joy that only He can bring. And I am going to have to find that in spite of enduring my worst nightmare...telling one of my children "goodbye" forever.
I know it will come. I pray it happens sooner rather than later. I believe He can bring it to me.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Dedication
As many of you know, the Kansas City area was hit with severe weather on Friday evening, with tornadoes being sighted around the metro area. When the tornadoes finally blew threw, a torrential downpour started. So, those who ventured out to North Star Church on Friday evening were truly dedicated!!! We debated about cancelling everything, but then decided to make a go of it despite the bad weather (growing up in central Kansas has led us to perhaps not be as afraid of Mother Nature as we should be sometimes). The tornado sirens shut off as we were walking out our front door.
We were amazed at the turnout despite the bad weather. Several were unable to join us because of the storms, but we know those that weren't able to be there in person were with us in spirit.
The Dedication was PERFECT. We did move it to our church because of the inclement weather, so we created a PowerPoint that we showed so people could see the progression of our garden. The names you see on the last couple slides are names of all the families who donated to our garden, either financially or with their time. Wow.
I am so thankful that we proceeded with the dedication despite the bad weather. Brandon and I both really needed the closure it provided. Our pastor spoke, Chris and Tiffany, our worship leaders, sang two beautiful songs, and Brandon spoke for a few moments about what the garden has meant to us. It was short, simple, intimate...just what we'd wanted.
Thank you to all of those that made the special effort to come out and join us. It meant the world to us to have you there. For those of you who were unable to attend, here is a piece of the dedication just for you. You can check it out here.
Hopefully that link will work, but let us know if you have any problems with it!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Planting Day!!

Here are some pictures:


Caden's "Treasure of Heaven" windchime (thanks, Laurie!):


