Sunday, November 30, 2008

5 Months

Wow. Five months ago today, we met our precious Caden Adair. Then, about 5 hours later, we told him "goodbye".

I suppose it might be a bit cliche' to say that we can't believe how quickly the time has gone. But I'm going to say it anyway. It has been five months since I felt our baby move inside me. Five months since I held him, smelled him, kissed him, and looked at him, trying to memorize every tiny detail of his face and body. Five months since I saw all three of our children together.

8 months has passed since we were diagnosed and told our baby would not live. And now, we prepare to face our first holiday season without our fifth member.

Thanksgiving went well. We travelled to Lindsborg and spent time with Brandon's family. It was a short trip, but a good one. The day after Thanksgiving, however, was really hard. The kids and I decorated the house for Christmas, which is always a sentimental time for me. Many of the decorations we put out belonged to either my Mom or my Grandma, who both LOVED Christmas. So, I think of them as I put things out...happy for the memories, but saddened because they are not here with us. The hardest part of decorating for me, though, was realizing that last January, as I put the decorations away, I did so thinking "Next year, we'll have a new baby in the house when I put these out!". Realizing that this wasn't so was not unlike being punched in the gut. I was supposed to have a little one with me. The Christmas music was supposed to be interrupted by a little one cooing or fussing. I was going to get to shop for three kids this year. Oh....

As usual, it was Connor and Kylee to the rescue. They were SO excited to put the decorations all over the house, and watching them sift through boxes while wearing their pjs...all of us warm and cozy together...made it possible for me to find joy in the midst of a painful day. We made a special Christmas ornament for Caden and hung it on the tree. They were both so excited to incorporate our baby into the preparations.

We have been told that many families who have dealt with infant loss find something symbolic that reminds them of their little one..common ones being angels, butterflies, or rainbows. We have found that our symbol for Caden is a teddy bear. I have always loved teddy bears, and it seems that they remind us of our special boy more often than anything else. I think that Santa will be bringing Connor and Kylee a little teddy bear in memory of Caden this year. It is nice to have some way to bring him into our Christmas tradition...because he is, of course, always in our hearts.


Hope said...

He is always in your hearts and in the hearts of many others. Praying for you today and throughout this season.

Laurie in Ca. said...

I am with you Lindsey, the time has gone by so quickly this year. I have been praying for your heart during this holiday season and will continue to. Caden has your heart and always will be here with you in spirit. I am so glad the kids got into the spirit of decorating, they sure can brighten the shadows at the right time. And Teddy Bears are perfect to remember your little bear. I love you and am praying you through.

Laurie in Ca.

Samantha said...

I've been thinking of you as you live through Christmas "celebrations" without your youngest child in your arms. The pull between happiness and pain must be difficult to navigate. Connor and Kylee's enthusiasm to include their brother is so exciting to hear. They did turn out to be pretty great older siblings. Wishing you peaceful moments of remembering Caden.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Lindsey,

I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you today and praying you through each day this holiday season. Conner and Kylee will help in keeping the spirit bright. Kids are so energizing this time of year. I hope that Cadens garden is getting its feet rooted in the ground, ready to just burst in Spring. I think of you often pray for your tender heart.

Much Love Today, Laurie in Ca.