Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On A Bit Lighter Note...

We were goofing around with the kids this weekend and came up with these very real glimpses into our life:

As mentioned previously, Kylee got her hair cut last week. Here's the rear view of her new 'do...slightly disheveled, of course. Someday I hope to be able to post a picture of it all curled and cute:

Connor went on a field trip to Shatto Dairy farm with his class a couple weeks ago...here are some fun pics from that big event. Kylee and I went along and I stepped in a pile of cow poop about 30 seconds after setting foot into the barn...and then spent the rest of the tour focused on getting the poo off of my shoe. I am so thankful that I live in suburbia.

An explanation of the above picture: When we arrived at the farm, I opened the back door of the Durango to find my daughter all painted up...she had kept herself busy with the purple eyeshadow on the drive out into the country. I had no idea what she was doing until I pulled her out of the back seat. A proud parenting moment for me amongst all the other preschool Moms....in this picture I am sure Connor is thinking "Geez, what is WITH the purple eyeshadow?" Thankfully, he's not old enough to be totally embarrassed by us yet.

Here are Connor and his friend, Truman, in front of the tank where they cool all the milk:

At the conclusion of our tour, the kids got to sample several different flavors of milk...banana, chocolate, strawberry, even root beer...Kylee joined in the fun, too!



Laurie in Ca. said...

Your kids are so cute!!! Thank you for sharing these pictures. The purple eye shadow cracks me up. Girls start so young don't they?:) I've been praying for you and your family. Praying for that amazing little baby boy you are carrying, asking the Lord for His grace and wisdom in all things to come. And most of all, praying for your hearts to be surrounded in His peace.

Love and Prayers, Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

The purple eyeshadow AND the new haircut are fabulous, as is Connor's stoic understanding that sisters can be a bit of a mystery sometimes.
Robyn and Ben

Trena said...

SERIOUSLY, DVD players have GOT to start coming standard in all vehicles that carry more than 2 passengers! But, at least you have a child who can PROBLEM SOLVE and take care of her boredom by herself!
