Thursday, July 05, 2007

We Have a Big Girl Room!!

Good Morning!

We hope you all had a great 4th of July. Ours was fairly low-key, with a lazy day at home and then dinner and fireworks down at the Chase home in Blue Springs. The kids enjoyed the fireworks this year, with the favorite being glow worms. I think they liked them because they were cool without being noisy.

We have a lot to update you on, but I will start here:

A couple weeks ago, Kylee announced that she didn't like her crib anymore and wanted a big girl bed. When our little redhead makes a decision, there's no turning back. We had planned to do her "big girl room" as a part of her third birthday in September, but she was ready!! So, we pulled her bed out of the basement (we had some friends from church who passed it down to us, and were lucky enough to have scored a mattress from Great Bend--we love FREE!!!), and Mommy and Kylee painted it purple (the color was Kylee's choice). I got the bed painted while Kylee managed to create a lovely purple mural on the garage floor.

Anyway, then it was time to move the bed upstairs. Brandon began breaking the crib down, and I was hit by some pretty strong emotion as I realized this would be the first time we'd broken the crib down since before Connor was born. I hadn't thought through the fact that with the arrival of the big girl bed, I would need to pack up all of the Pooh nursery decorations and sheets that had graced our babies' rooms for the last 5 and 1/2 years. Ouch. Tears. Stomach lurch. A new phase...meanwhile, I swear I heard my husband singing the Hallelujah chorus under his breath. :)

We went shopping at Wal-Mart for some sheets that night--I refused to put Spiderman sheets on our daughter's big girl bed...Kylee instantly selected Dora sheets. Then this week, we went and picked up her comforter and a Princess pillow to round out the scene. I picked up the letters on her wall on clearance about a year ago at Target, painted them pink, and glued ribbons on to them to hang them from. I had seen the idea in a catalog and thought it was way cute. I have to highlight this because it is rare that I am actually able to effectively duplicate a concept like this at a fraction of the cost (those letters in the catalog with adorable ribbons on them will cost you a fortune, by the way). Usually, my money saving attempts at decoration just end in frustration, so I was pretty happy with how this turned out. We selected a simple flower theme for the room so that she doesn't grow out of it next year when her character tastes change.

I have dreamed of Kylee's big girl room for months as I rocked her to sleep at night, yet somehow, I didn't imagine our little girl growing up so quickly...she looks so small in her twin bed. The smile on her face when she saw her big girl room all put together for the first time was priceless.

Sweet dreams, little princess!!


Sheryl said...

Kylee's room looks great! Sophia is starting to request the big girl bed, too, so I can sympathize with the touch of sadness.

Anonymous said...

he won't be any good to you in bed , let me join and we can break it in