We've had a fun-filled couple weeks around here! Yesterday was an especially big day for us. It was Connor's last day of preschool for the year, and our little girl got her first haircut. :)
Connor's teachers handed out awards to each child in the class. Connor received the "good friend" award, which really warmed our hearts. Of all the traits a child can have, compassion and kindness towards others would be at the top of my list of the most desirable. Mrs. Amy, his teacher, remarked that he truly was a friend to everyone in the class. It's amazing how wonderful our children can be despite us, huh. :) Above is a picture of Connor after receiving his award from his teachers.
It took me about 6 months to get up the nerve to schedule Kylee a haircut, but we finally did it. We took her to see Brooke, a woman that we attend church with, who has two children about the same ages as Connor and Kylee are. Boy, you could tell she knew what she was doing, and she charmed Kylee right into the whole hair cut groove (I am of the opinion that a good stylist that can put children at ease is almost as important as a good nurse midwife or gynecologist in a mother's world). In the end, Kylee got an inch or so trimmed off the back of her hair, and even though it was a small amount of hair, somehow she looks older to me now.
Connor was so inspired that he, too, got up into the chair for a new 'do. Brooke had to repair my latest haircut attempt on our little blonde superhero, and he looked much better when it was all done. It was the first time he sat through a haircut without screaming bloody murder, which made it even more of a banner day in our world. The kids thought it was the best experience ever because they each got to pick out TWO suckers.
I was telling Brandon the other night that I feel like we're entering a new chapter in our lives. Our kids are officially exiting baby and toddler stage, and while some things about it are totally wonderful, some things about it are also hard...realizing that our son has just completed his first year of preschool makes me stop to think about how, from this point forward, our years will be marked by the beginning and end of school instead of by monthly developmental acheivements like crawling, walking, and talking.
Where does the time go?
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