Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Big "8"

Check out our EIGHT year old!

We celebrated Connor's 8th birthday with a party at the local skating rink. Connor had a blast celebrating Mario Brothers style with his friends and family. Kylee decided that she wanted to try skating for the first time at the party, and she did a great job!

Uncle Jordan and Mandy keeping things festive:

Good times at the rink...

Connor has been wanting a big remote-controlled helicopter for a long time. Daddy found a great deal online and it was the perfect birthday gift!

It is unreal to me that 8 years ago, our son was a little 6 pound bundle in a blue blanket with blonde hair. In the same way that we crossed a new threshold when we brought him home from the hospital and began our journey as parents, I definitely have a sense that we are entering a new stage in life now...exiting little boy stage and entering young man stage. Connor's interests and how he relates to others have changed so much, yet he still remains the sweet, kind, intelligent boy that he has always been.
Connor continues to be so gifted at perceiving how others feel and has a natural inclination to reach out to those who are hurting. He is an incredible big brother, a wonderful helper, and has a heart filled with kindness. He loves to be social and enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He asks great questions and is very curious about the world around him and how things work. He loves the outdoors and adventure.
As the oldest child in our family, he is continually asked to lend a helping hand...and, generally speaking, does so totally graciously. He offers encouragement to both of his sisters on a daily basis, and has a sense of humor that brightens up our house. His kind and compassionate heart continue to inspire us to be better people.
We are so thankful that we have him in our family. At eight years old, Connor has been asked to understand more than most people have to comprehend in a lifetime, and he continues to amaze us with his attitude and abilities.
The last eight years have been a true blessing and we look forward to many, many more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have raised quite a little man. You should both be VERY proud. And I know you are :) Happy Birthday Connor!