Monday, June 21, 2010


When Kylee Jordan is around, there is never a dull moment. Her fire and passion leads to continuous joy, aggravation, laughter, and frustration in our household...sometimes all at once. I wanted to share some pictures of Kylee's end of the school year activites with you all. Her fire and passion shine through in these photos.

Kylee had the opportunity to work on her soccer skills this summer in sessions led by some friends of ours. The sessions were very casual and Kylee got to play alongside some of her good buddies. Here she is in her shirt with all her soccer gear:

She did a great job and wasn't afraid to get in there and get after it. It was a great first experience for her.
The end of the school year also brought the classroom celebration and program at Second Friends. After four years of attending this program between celebrating with Connor and Kylee, it is hard to believe we won't be back next year!
Here's Kylee with her teachers, Ms. Pam and Ms. Tiffani. Simply put, these ladies are the "All Stars" of the preschool teaching world. We have been so blessed to have them both in Kylee's life! They handed out awards to each child, and Kylee received the "Best Communicator" and "Best Teacher" award (let's all be shocked). Kylee would frequently take the lead on "organizing" activities for her friends (we swear she'll be a CEO someday). Rather than trying to tame her, these incredible women praised and fostered our daughter's strengths...something we are so grateful for!

Grandma Carlson was on hand for the special celebration. Kylee had created a special memory book of her preschool year that she shared with us all:

The whole crew (minus Connor):

A cute sister moment:

As we left the preschool for the last time, one of the teachers asked "Do you have Hadley on the list"?
I smiled, said "nope!", and walked away. Facing that giant is a ways off. :)

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