Thursday, April 01, 2010

Spring Break Fun!

We were very blessed to take our third trip to Walt Disney World over spring break. Brandon's parents took the whole Carlson bunch to Florida, where we enjoyed 5 action-packed days together. The kids had a great time seeing their North Carolina cousins, and it was so much fun to watch everyone experience all the marvels of Disney together. I thought we'd share just a few pictures with you all.

Both the girls got to have their pictures taken with the princesses:

Constant are all the kids posing with their stuffed animals, many of whom were new "friends" from Disney.

A magical moment...

Connor, who wasn't so big on the princesses, did think it was cool to see Eeyore:

We are so grateful for Grandma and Grandpa Carlson's generosity. We made memories that will be treasured forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Kylee's pose in the family pic too much! So glad it was such a special time-
Robyn and Ben