Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter Happenings!

We had a great Easter this year!

Our celebrating began with the Second Friends Easter egg hunt up at William Jewell College. This has been our fourth year in a row participating in the hunt...each year the kids make their own "egg catchers". This year, Kylee's was a butterfly:

A good lookin' class:

Connor and Kylee got to participate in an egg hunt organized by our friend Sam. She and her girls hid eggs all over the Union at William Jewell, and the kids ran to find them. They loved it!

Two of our "Easter Blessings" posing in front of Gano Chapel on Jewell's campus. I love it!

After Church on Easter Sunday, the kids opened their Easter presents:

We wrapped up the holiday with another hunt in Baldwin City, hosted by Grandpa and Grandma McKinney. Here are the cousins all lined up with their loot!

This was our first Easter with Hadley with us. Every image that we capture with our three kids is so precious to me...especially as we celebrate holidays together. When you have known the pain of not having one of your children with you on a holiday, you celebrate the gift that a holiday spent together as a family is in a different way, I think. The love and joy that Connor and Kylee have for Hadley is so apparent. We are blessed by the gift of new life each of our children has been to us! Does this crowd look like they belong together, or what?!


Samantha Anderson said...

The last picture is so great! Love all of their faces!

Anonymous said...

Amazingly beautiful.....blessings on your family. Remember we love you much! Aunt Jane