Thursday, February 05, 2009

We Love School!

Good Afternoon!

Today is a beautiful day here in Missouri and it makes me realize how ready I am for SPRING! Hooray for the sunshine!

The past couple of weeks have been busy for us, but full of fun activities. Connor had a busy week at school last week...he and his class celebrated their 100th Day of School together, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to the party.

Here's Connor stringing his 100th Day snack...100 Fruit Loops...onto a string:

No party is complete without a hat:

Connor making his "Counting by 10's to 100" craft...

I also got to attend Doniphan's kindergarten "Moving with Moms" night where moms got to participate in some of the kids' favorite gym games. Highlights for me included surviving a 10 minute game of freeze tag (it seems like an eternity when you're running around a hot gym trying to avoid getting tagged by a fast kindergartener!) and managing not to have a heart attack while taking laps around the gym because I got hit with a balled up sock in a "snowball fight" (moms vs. kids...Connor stood just across the line and spent some quality time repeatedly trying to pelt me). It isn't often that I get time with Connor by ourselves, so I was grateful...even if it was more physical activity and subsequent respiratory distress than I've had in about 6 months.

Brandon took the kids to Doniphan's PTA "Reading Picnic" where he, Connor, and Kylee got to participate in a few different reading activities together and then eat pizza at a "picnic" in the cafeteria. While the rest of the family was at the picnic, I was busy teaching Buster how to "leave it" and "lay down" in obedience school. I would have rather been eating pizza, but hopefully, we'll have a well trained dog to show for it someday. :)

Kylee's school had their "Pajama Day" last week, too. She picked her purple princess pj's and thought it was pretty cool to wear her jammies to school:

We are over halfway through the school year and I must say, it has gone quickly! We feel so blessed that Connor is having such a great experience at school, and that Kylee is, too. They adore their teachers, have made great friends, and are learning a ton. We are enjoying every moment of learning and growing with both our kiddos!!


Laurie in Ca. said...

I am so glad to read that the kids are enjoying and loving school. The pictures prove it too. I am with you Lindsay, longing for Spring to arrive. I am looking forward to pictures of Caden's garden in full bloom with new growth. I am still praying for you and your family. I hope your weekend is a good one.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Anonymous said...

You may not know it, but I still check for your latest news--I love the pictures & witty blogs! What a long ways you have come in such a short time. My hat's off to you & your beautiful family. Enjoy every day with them, because these are the whirlwind years--they are a lot of work, a lot of fun, and they go by so quickly. Keep taking lots of pictures. You'll never regret it. God Bless you all!