Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What a Great Daddy!

I had to hop on here really quick to share a story. Many of you know that I have married one of the most amazing men in the world (The MOST amazing man in my humble opinion). For the last couple days, our son Connor has been DYING to sled down the hill in our backyard. Brandon has dutifully called every retailer in the Metro area looking for a sled, but there are none to be found. We then thought "What about an innertube?". Brandon called several auto shops, and no luck there, either. I offered him a cookie sheet, with which we had a minimal amount of success, but the positioning was tricky for a little man in snow garb.

Finally, we recruited Aunt Sarah to bring us an innertube that we've used in the past to play in the pool. The hot pink plastic number arrived in style here at 509 Cierra Circle last evening. This afternoon, my little outdoorsman asked if he could go play in the snow, so out he went with his new tube. No luck. He sat perched on the top of the hill and went nowhere (a funny sight to see this little person all bundled up stranded in an innertube with nothing but his very discouraged eyes peeking out).

An hour later, in walks Daddy, who bundles up to go outside and help the cause. He inflates the tube, positions our son on the top of the hill, and gives him a big push. Connor moves a whopping 2 feet down the hill and stops. So here is my husband, after a long day at work, out in the semi-darkness, literally pushing our son down the hill over and over again in a hot pink tube so he can experience sledding, albeit a bit slow.

What a great Daddy.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

We married great guys. I love it that Brad is such an involved dad also. Rory and Emme have a pretty good standard to compare all other men to someday. :)