Friday, March 29, 2013

Christmas is Coming!

December started with a bang for The Carlson Crew!

The month started with Kylee auditioning for LCF's Christmas program for the first time.  Kids who were interested in being a part of the program sang "Silent Night" acapella for a panel of adults.  Kylee was so brave and really enjoyed being a part of the rehearsals and program.

Aunt Sarah, Cara, and Collin joined us for the Christmas program in early December and Aunt Sarah helped get Kylee's halo on and hair all ready on the night of the performance to go so she could make her debut as an angel.

We were so proud of our girl!  She even performed as a part of a small ensemble singing "The First Noel" and did a great job.

Kylee also participated in the inaugural season of the Liberty Youth Chorus throughout the fall semester.  The group performed in the Liberty Fall Festival parade on a float in late September.  Performances at the Mayor's Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and a longer performance at William Jewell were fun to attend in December.

Up on stage with the Chorus

Our beautiful vocalist

Hadley made her debut as a pig at the manger scene as a part of the the Second Friends Christmas program.  The morning started out on a sour note when Hadley (loudly) protested the dress choice Mommy made for the program.  She pouted for most of the morning, but then did a wonderful job singing Christmas songs.  Aunt Mandy and Grandpa and Grandma McKinney joined us for the program.  We all enjoyed attending Hadley's class party afterwards, which Mommy and another preschool mom teamed up together to plan.  Hadley and her classmates had fun making reindeer antlers and playing "Pin the Nose on Rudolph".

This is Hadley's "photo smile".  Far from natural, it's what we get when she poses.


Hadley and her teacher, "Miss Cole" (Nicole)

With Aunt Mandy

Pin the nose on Rudolph

Hugs for Grandpa and Grandma McKinney

'Tis the Season!

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