Monday, March 03, 2008

Happy Heart Day!

Sooo, let's back track a bit and cover Valentine's Day.

We have started a little family tradition of taking the kids to the Build-A-Bear workshop as our Valentine's gift to them, and as soon as I unearth the pictures of that, I will post them. I also must give my husband props for the beautiful roses that were scattered around the house for me on Heart Day. Kylee and I also got to attend Connor's school Valentine's Party as part of our holiday celebration, and I do have the pictures from that event, so here goes...

Kylee even got in on some of the party action:

The kids ate some yummy donuts and played a few games at their party. Here's a picture of Connor showing how disappointed he is in the snack selection...ha, ha:

Here's Connor's friend, Jobey, beside him at snacktime:

Of course, what would Valentine's be without your sweetheart? Connor and Paige are quite an item in their classroom, as you may remember from previous posts. I can't decide if I'm grateful or disappointed that they won't be going to the same gradeschool next year. :)

We hope this finds you all doing well and staying warm. IS IT SPRING YET?!?!?!?

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