Monday, November 19, 2007

Better Late Than Never, Right?

Here are some very belated pictures of the kids (aka Cinderella and a KSU football player) in their Halloween costumes. We had a great time trick-or-treating...our good friends the Blakemores joined us for the candy run around our neighborhood. The second picture is of the kiddos on our front porch...we carved the Jack-o-Lanterns ourselves. Please note how "angry" Connor's jack-o-lantern is (he was very proud of the eyebrows we carved).

Both Connor and Kylee really got into this year...they cried out "Trick-or-Treat!" the moment someone opened the door, and often times concluded their visit to the house with "Have a Happy Halloween!".
We came home with buckets full of candy that we are still working on. We're at that point now where all that's left is what Brandon calls the "fruity stuff" (translation=not chocolate), but we keep it for those days when we need a little extra incentive for the children or a sweet treat for ourselves. :)

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