Monday, October 30, 2006

Trick-or-Treat Mania!!

This weekend held lots of fun for us as we took Batman and Bedtime Bear to a few pre-Halloween festivities. Initially, Kylee wasn't too sure about donning the Care Bear costume, but she jumped into the swing of things very quickly when she realized that candy was at stake (you can see her delight when holding up her pumpkin in the photo). Smart girl!

Both kids put their costumes on for the first time Friday afternoon to go trick-or-treating at Uncle Jordan's office in downtown Kansas City. They had a great time gathering candy, and thought Uncle Jordan's office (a gigantic mailroom!) was really cool, too. It was fun to meet Jordan's colleagues, several of whom commented about how happy they are to have Jordan as part of the team at Fleischman-Hillard.

Saturday afternoon, we celebrated cousin Cara's third birthday at a purple princess party. Connor and Kylee thought that her presents were really cool!! I was there when Cara was born three years ago--it made Aunt Lindsey a little teary to reflect back on that amazing morning when our very special niece came into the world!

On Saturday evening, we went to Scott and Trena's house for a rockin' Halloween party. The kids had a great time playing with their friends (some of which are pictured here around the dinner table--Claire Chase (a witch), Georgia (Princess Fiona from Shrek), Bailey (a ladybug) and Connor). The Chases have a cool wooded area out behind their house, so Connor had a great time running around in the dark trees in his stealth Batman costume. We ate, chatted, roasted s'mores, and had a wonderful time.

Our weekend was capped off by our trunk-or-treat at church. The kids walked from car to car collecting goodies from fellow church members who generously decorated their trunks and handed out candy. You can see Connor and Georgia posing together after they'd finished gathering their loot. The weather was beautiful--a perfect day for ghosts and goblins!

Hope you enjoy these pictures. We have Connor's fall party at school today, and of course, Halloween itself, so there are more pictures to come.

Happy Haunting!


Mary said...

Ok, so you already know this, but your kids are adorable (or scary, or handsome, or whatever the correct adjective for a Batman is).

Have fun parceling out the loot! So far the hardest part for me about Halloween is being sensible in the candy dept. and not letting Drew have candy for dessert after breakfast--and yes, he does ask every day.

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet! Thank you for the update! I love it!! Sarah